MEP has developed a comprehensive investment and management process.
As an active company we review new projects daily, opting for prime projects that fit into our investment criteria and deliver a great ROI for our investor-partners. We structure investments to maintain flexibility at all times, continually analyzing potential exit-strategies in order to mitigate risks, or capitalize on current real estate market conditions. Our investors have benefited from our market timing and market recognition.
Our dedicated asset management department processes, evaluates, researches, and underwrites each project. Once we have chosen a project or property, the investment memorandum is issued to qualified investors only. Our firm focuses on real estate, real estate financing and investment opportunities. Each opportunity is broken up into five areas: investment, terms of investment (time periods), ROI, investment risk and exit strategy.
MEP aligns itself with investment-related companies, and provides advisory services to power brokers, real estate companies, institutions, hedge funds, home-offices, and private investors.
We are always on the look-out for new opportunities and fresh challenges.
Mulholland Equity Partners
A distinguished track record of providing investors and partners with opportunities to participate in high quality investment ventures.
Phone: (818) 591-0011
Fax: (818) 638-7182